



13 years, 3 months ago

Yom-e-Aashura, the 10th of Moharram (the Lunar Year), is an extremely blessed day! It is linked to the arrival of the King of Kings Lord Ra Riaz in this world. It is celebrated with zeal and fervor in the spiritual realms. This Youm-e-Aashura in particular is a very special day.

On Yom-e-Aashura this year, Imam Mehdi Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and Lord Jesus Christ will be seen walking on foot, physically, in Jerusalem. At this time, a marvelous event shall occur. After this Yom-e-Aashura, the frequency of natural disasters will rise and the death toll will also rise; however, at the same time, it will be made easier for people to recognise the Lord and obtain blessings.

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