


The Voice of Love and Peace: HDE Gohar Shahi

6 years, 4 months ago

The following is a message from the CEO of Mehdi Foundation International and Representative of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi, Younus AlGohar.

HDE Gohar Shahi’s voice is the voice of love and peace. HDE Gohar Shahi calls for mutual love, respect for humanity, the true understanding of the religious beliefs and tolerance for others religions and faiths.

It is quite disappointing that some of the Muslims in Pakistan do not appreciate our efforts towards building a cognitively healthy and tolerant society.

The religion of Islam is a form of the divine bounty that caters for the spiritual and societal needs of the world. Ironically Islam has been gravely misunderstood by thousands of Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

It would be utterly undermining the calibre and potential of the religion of Islam if it is confined to a ritualistic aspect only. Islam is far greater a religion than assuming it to be a set of beliefs that direct us to worship God only.

Primarily we aim at inviting the Muslims to stop being divided in dozens of sects. And the reason for this division is lack of inner knowledge and enlightenment of the heart. The hearts are pre-occupied with Satan. And the Satan is playing under the labels of Sunni, Shia, Wahhabi, Ahmedi, Deobandi denominations. None of the above labels are part of the Ummah that the beloved Prophet Mohammad PBUH founded some 1440 years ago.

Today, as we speak, all these labels are religiously slashing throats of each other and they declare it Jihad.

Even the Islamic world is divided in two major fractions: Sunni Islam and Shia Islam. Bloodshed in Syria and Yemen is the prime example of this division.

As for the common Muslims, they swiftly put the blame on the West whereas the Muslims emperors and politicians are the real culprits and are responsible for sectarian conflicts in Syria and Yemen.

Pakistan has been subjected to sectarian hatred and bloodshed for over a decade now. My friends, the West is not your enemy, the enemy is among you and within you.

We promote love and peace and we invite people to adopt spirituality so that we manage to enlighten the hearts thus get rid of this evil division within Islam and become United again to be known as Ummah of the Beloved Prophet PBUH.

This is the voice of love, peace, justice and God. And this is the voice of HDE Gohar Shahi.

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