


Vancouver Body Soul and Spirit Expo

10 years, 4 months ago

A team from Messiah Foundation Canada set up their booth at the Body Soul and Spirit Expo in Vancouver, Canada, on October 24-26th. There, Messiah Foundation offered visitors free spiritual healing and granted Invocation of the Heart. The expo was attended by approximately 1000 people who were very receptive to Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi's message of divine love. Our stall was consistently busy throughout the three days of the expo! Mr Imran Saeed, the team leader at the expo, was overwhelmed by the positive response. He said, 

'I was hard-pressed to find a person who didn't want to listen to our message. A vast majority of people heard our message attentively and showed their appreciation for it.' 

Messiah Foundation Canada will also be participating the Body Soul & Spirit Expo in Edmonton and Calgary over the next month. 

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