


The Nice Attack

8 years, 7 months ago

niceattack2Our hearts and our thoughts go out to the people of France during yet another terrorist atrocity, this time in Nice. The Nice Attack is a reminder of what happens when Wahhabism is allowed to spread unchecked. It is time to take firm action against the radical Islamists and the poisonous ideology of Wahhabism.

His Holiness Younus AlGohar, CEO of MFI, issued this statement in the aftermath of this deplorable incident:

‘The Muslims must denounce [the Nice attacks] and march against this atrocity! Voicing against tyranny discourages the tyrants. The Muslim leaders had better stand up against Islamism and Wahhabism now. Condemn this in fuller meaning of the phrase. The world had better declare a full-fledged war on ISIS and Radical Islam.’

To prevent a similar atrocity from occurring in the United Kingdom, please sign the petition to ban Wahhabism.

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