


The Kalki Avatar Sat Gohar Conference

12 years, 10 months ago

MFI Sri Lanka organised the 'Kalki Avatar Sat Gohar Conference' in which the Representative of Imam Mehdi, Messiah & Kalki Avatar, Younus AlGohar, delivered a wonderful speech. The event was attended by approximately 900 people from the sparsely populated town of Batticoloa, Sri Lanka.

The event was estimated to have an attendance of 700, however, more than 850 people attended, which is a milestone in MFI's mission in Batticaloa. During His Holiness Younus AlGohar's speech, police officers abandoned their duties to listen to the speech. Free spiritual healing was granted to all attendees. Many hundreds of people queued for 2 hours just to receive blessings from His Holiness Younus AlGohar.

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