Messiah Foundation Canada, the Noble a International University and the Universal Great Brotherhood hosted the Advocacy of Spiritual Love and Global Peace event in Toronto, Ontario. His Holiness Younus AlGohar, CEO of Messiah Foundation International, was the keynote speaker. Other speakers included Professor Roger Hansell, Tany Savia and Professor Biswajit Ganguly.
It was a grand event! People from all backgrounds and faiths gathered at the venue. There was a live performance of traditional Sufi music as well. The audience was given the opportunity to obtain spiritual healing and Invocation of the Heart. The question and answer session at the end of the programme was filled with enlightening conversation.
To finish off this beautiful afternoon, members of the audience as well as our speakers joined hands to circumbulate the divine images of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and Lord Jesus Christ in a display of respect, mutual love and unity.
Messiah Foundation Canada regularly hosts open houses for the public at their office in Toronto. To learn more about how you can get involved, call us at +1 647 537 7701 or email the Toronto office at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
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