


Our Message Reaches Reykjavik, Iceland!

9 years, 4 months ago

Messiah Foundation International's universal message of divine love and global peace has now reached Reykjavik, the coastal capital of Iceland! Mr Zahir Shah and Mr Badieh Hassan of MFI began the mission activities on the 13th of October, visiting various different town centers. One of them was Kringlan, the largest shopping mall in the city, with over 170 shops and restaurants. More than 4000 leaflets were distributed in local shops, international embassies, sea points and busy town streets where many people took deep interest and were pleased to hear such a unique and life-changing message. A countless number of people felt inspired by the miraculous teachings of His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and were eager to take our literature home. 

One woman, after seeing our team engaged in the service of divine love approached and said,

I would like to thank you for your services to humanity. I have been looking for a message like this for years.

Overall, this short trip was extremely successful and we look forward to furthering our activities there in the coming future!

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