


20-21 July: Mount Shasta Spiritual Heart Activation Event

5 years, 7 months ago

We are pleased to announce that Sufi Younus AlGohar has been invited by leaders of the spiritualist community in California, USA to deliver the keynote talk at the Mount Shasta Spiritual Heart Activation Event hosted by 5D Events! The Opening of the Spiritual Heart ceremony led by Sufi Younus AlGohar will take place in the Sacred Mountain of Mount Shasta in Yreka. This programme will last two days (July 20-21) and include panels, workshops and exhibits on quantum consciousness, awareness, transformation, gratitude, spirituality and life mastery. There will also be a buffet dinner party. This event promotes Sufism and spirituality. Sufism is an ancient practice in which a deeper identity is discovered and live. Sufi is a one who represents the mystical dimension of his religion and spirituality, one who seeks direct experience of God. There have been many prominent Sufis such as Mevlana Rumi, Abdul Qadir Jilani and Lal Shahbaz Qalandar.  Space is limited for this event. Tickets can be bought here.

Mount Shasta Spiritual Heart Activation

9 AM-10 PM on July 20 (Saturday), 9 AM-6 PM on July 21 (Sunday)

Best Western Miners Inn

122 E. Miner St, Yreka, CA 96097





Keynote Speaker: Sufi Younus AlGohar
Speakers: Saeed David Farman, Aaron Glassman, Andrei Knight, PhD, Eric Reza Dadmehr, Alan Bedian and Azucena Avila
Masters of Ceremonies: Eric Reza Dadmehr and Andrei Knight
Director of the Event: David Farman (.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address))
Technical Director: Dennis Whipple.



Relevant Information

The city of Yreka has 7000 residents and is only a 5-hour drive from San Francisco, 5-hour drive from Portland, Oregon and 9-hour drive from Los Angeles and 30 minutes’ drive from Mt. Shasta by Freeway 5. Daytime July average temperature is 85 Degrees F; at night the average temperature is 55 Degrees F This event has only one conference hall with 200 seats.
Exhibit hours are: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM daily in the back of the conference hall
Must be 18+ to attend, no kids, pets, drugs, alcohol, video recording are allowed

Dress Code: Casual

Before the opening ceremonies, 5D events invites all to do their morning exercise and meditation with the circle of love from 6-8 AM at the park behind the hotel.

8-8:30 AM Breakfast

1-2 PM Lunch



Special Events

Opening Ceremonies: Saturday, July 20th, 9-10 AM
Masters of Ceremonies Eric Reza Dadmehr and Andrei Knight will welcome all guests and introduce the speakers one by one. Saeed David Farman will give a short talk opening the gate of consciousness with Sufi chanting the 99 names of Allah.
Sufi Younus AlGohar's Talk on Activation of the Spiritual Heart: Saturday, July 20th, 11:30 AM-1 PM
The Panel of Spirituality: Saturday, July 20th, 6-7:30 PM
Host: Saeed David Farman
Speakers: Sufi Younus AlGohar, Aaron Glassman, Andrei Knight, PhD, Eric Reza Dadmehr, Alan Bedian and Azucena Avila.
Dinner Buffet: Saturday, July 20th, 8-10 PM
Celebrating the birthday of the New Humanity Movement Founder, Saeed Farman.
Initiation Ceremonies with Sufi Younus AlGohar: Sunday, July 21st, 10 AM-12 PM
Closing Panel of Spirituality and Achieving Results: Sunday, July 21st, 5-6 PM
Host: Saeed David Farman
Speakers: Sufi Younus AlGohar, Aaron Glassman, Andrei Knight PhD, Eric Reza Dadmehr, Alan Bedian and Azucena Avila.
Circle Heart Opening Ceremonies on Mount Shasta with Sufi Younus AlGohar: Sunday, July 21st, 6-8 PM
The group will drive 30 minutes on Freeway 5 North to edge of the Mount Shasta for this special ceremony under the auspicious supervision of Sufi Younus AlGohar.

Door Tickets will cost $120 for 2 days or $60 per day. Tickets cover the full event - all lectures, workshops, panels and exhibits. Register early bird tickets before June and save by visiting the Eventbrite site.

Hotel Arrangements
5d Event's group rate is $80 per night with complimentary breakfast. Covers the dates July 18th-July 23rd.
For reservations please call the hotel phone: 530-842-4397
Discount group code: D500
Further details about the hotel can be found on their website

Nearby Airports
The closest airport to Yreka is Rogue Valley International–Medford Airport (MFR). The distance from Rogue Valley International–Medford Airport to Yreka, CA is 45.9 miles (73.8 kilometres) The distance from Redding Municipal Airport to Yreka is 86.7 miles (139.5 kilometres). Redding Municipal Airport is located approximately 7.5 miles (12.0 kilometres) southeast of Redding and about 59.1 miles (95.1 kilometres) northwest of Chico. IATA airport code is RDD.

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