


MFI Wishes You a Happy Goharian New Year!

11 years, 2 months ago

A special message from Messiah Foundation International:

The New Year is a time to reflect and make resolutions. For most of us, that means resolving to exercise, improving our diets and generally taking better care of our bodies. But how many people think about the health of their soul?

For the health of your body, you eat healthy food. The sustenance of your soul is divine energy. When your body lacks food, you feel hunger and weakness. When your soul is weak, you feel constant uneasiness. When the soul is strong and enlightened, you obtain eternal bliss.

Luckily, with the teachings of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi, it has never been easier to cater to the needs of the soul! So why not make your soul a priority this New Year?

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