A team from Messiah Foundation USA set up their booth at the Natural Living Expo in Marlborough, Massachusetts, USA, from November 15-16th. There, Messiah Foundation offered visitors free spiritual healing and granted Invocation of the Heart. The expo was attended by approximately 2000 people who were very receptive to Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi's message of Divine Love. Our stall was consistently busy throughout the two days of the expo! The expo team was overwhelmed by the positive response.
Our team also held a small seminar during Natural Living Expo. Approximately 15 people attended the seminar. The response from people was wonderful; they were delighted to hear about the Awaited One and His revolutionary methodologies. Messiah Foundation also displayed a large banner depicting the images of Lord Ra Riaz and Lord Jesus on the Moon and Holy Black Stone.
A member of our expo team, Mr Irfan G, relayed his experience with an aspirant there:
'One woman, Ms Virginia B, came to our booth and said, "I am looking for something special in this expo." When she heard the revolutionary message of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, she was impressed and took initiation of heart. Her eyes were wet at the time of initiation and she said, "I came in this expo to look for something special; after Initiation of Heart, I feel I got what I need."'
A vast majority of people heard at the Natural Living Expo were extremely appreciative of our message.
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