


Messiah Foundation USA at the Body, Mind and Spirit Expo in Raleigh, NC

11 years ago

Messiah Foundation USA has set up stall at the Body, Mind and Spirit Expo in Raleigh, North Carolina this weekend! We had an incredibly successful first day and our team is excited to give the message of divine love to more aspiring hearts tomorrow, the 23rd of February (the last day of the expo). We will be available tomorrow from 11 AM - 6 PM. Come find us at Booth #21! For information about tickets and the venue, click here.

Here is what a member of the Messiah Foundation USA team has to say about the first day:

The crowd was beyond expectation! The response here has been very good; people are listening to our message carefully. They were able to see the image of His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi's image on the Moon very easily and were fascinated with the teachings of His Divine Eminence.

People of all religions (and also those who do not believe in organised religion) showed appreciation for our message. In particular, a large number of Hindus attending the expo and took the picture of His Divine Eminence home for blessings. Over 100 people were given our leaflets bearing the divine signs of HDE Gohar Shahi on the Moon and Holy Black Stone. We also had displayed a banner bearing images of HDE Gohar Shahi and Lord Jesus Christ outside the fairground, which many people said drew them towards our booth.  

We invited expo-goers to investigate these divine signs. We granted aspirants Invocation of the Heart (AKA Simran) of the divine mantra of their preference, leading them to feel an immense attraction towards the image of HDE Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. Overall the event is going wonderfully and we look forward to another successful day tomorrow!

The Body, Mind and Spirit Expo is being held at the Ker Scott Building located on the North Carolina State Fairgrounds (Raleigh, NC) until 6 PM on Sunday, the 23rd of February 2014. Learn more about it here.

View the full Flickr album here.

A banner inviting people to come hear the message of divine love at the Body, Mind and Spirit Expo in Raleigh, NC.

MFI USA at the Body, Mind and Spirit Expo in Raleigh, NC.

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