


Messiah Foundation in Gurdaspur, Punjab

10 years, 3 months ago

On the 24th of November, 2014, in Gurdaspur, a city in the state of Punjab, Mr Tarseem Singh and Mrs Asha Didi of Messiah Foundation India had the delightful opportunity to meet a Christian family, the Ramans family, who were given the message of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi through one of our advocates.

Mr Raman and his wife were extremely pleased to see our team. He explained,

'Previously, I was very ill with Kala-Pilia (Hepatitis-C) and admitted at the hospital. The doctors didn't think I would get better. However, when I received the spiritual healing from the image of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, my health really improved. I was out doing daily tasks the very next day!'

We also granted Mr Raman and his family the heart initiation of 'Ya Esa'. They were extremely happy and thankful towards our team!

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