


#ManchesterAttack - Are We Doing Enough?

7 years, 9 months ago

After every terrorist attack whereby innocent lives are lost and the threat level is raised, everybody gets down to their computer desks and sends messages of condolences. They pray for people. This is not going to help and it is not enough.

Identify the problem. The first step toward any prevention is to identify your enemy; identify the criminal.

We feel a bit relaxed when we are told that ISIS is in Iraq and Syria and they are more than 2000 miles away from our homes. We must not forget that ISIS is just an organisation; it is nothing in itself. The main thing is the ideology behind all these terrorist organisations who are shedding blood every day: Wahhabism.

When such a terrorist attack takes place, the entire Muslim community has to suffer the backlash and repercussions after it. Every Muslim is suspected to be a terrorist. [The terrorists] are making every Muslim’s life difficult.

Islam does not teach terrorism or violence.

According to the Koran 5:32, ‘Killing one human being is equal to killing the entire humanity.’ Suicide is also strictly prohibited in Islam.

Who could understand more than the founder of Islam, Prophet Mohammad? There was a companion of the Prophet Mohammad who was fighting against non-believers. During this battle, he was severely wounded and Prophet Mohammad was showing all sorts of sympathies for him. Later on, he was in so much pain that he was not able to bear it. So, he took a decision that destroyed him: he killed himself.

When the news was brought to Prophet Mohammad, Prophet Mohammad said, ‘I am not going to say prayers [for] him; he has lost his faith. I deprive him of my salvation.’ This is how detestable an act of suicide bombing is in Islam.

Those who think they know Islam, I ask them to study the Koran and Prophet Mohammad’s life well. Prophet Mohammad did not hurt or hate anybody; he was sent into this world as blessings for the entire humanity [Koran 21:107].

There was a Jewish woman who used to throw rubbish upon Prophet Mohammad every time he would pass by her area. Prophet Mohammad did not change his way and he continued to go through the same area. One day, when Prophet Mohammad was passing by her house, she wasn’t there. Prophet Mohammad got worried and asked somebody, ‘Where is that woman who throws rubbish on me?’ They replied, ‘She is not feeling well.’ Prophet Mohammad went to her house and asked her, ‘How are you feeling? I was waiting for you.’ She cried and said, ‘You care about me so much even though I used to throw rubbish on you?’ Then she accepted Islam.

Islam was accepted because of Prophet Mohammad’s character. What [terrorists] are projecting to the world under the banner of Islam is not Islam; it is a bunch of lies.

Islam is not a killer religion. No matter what religion people practise — no matter whether or not they believe in God — you have no authority to kill them according to Islam.

There is a Day of Judgment when God will judge people and God will decide their fate. You cannot decide for them, because you yourself are a sinner.

Those who [kill others in the name of Islam] are enemies of humanity and Islam. According to the Koran, you cannot do such things.

All these individuals who project Wahhabism must be stopped in order to protect the country and peace-loving, law-abiding citizens of the country.

We detest any act of terrorism. Whether it is carried out under a political agenda or is religiously motivated, it is not acceptable under any circumstances.

We are raising awareness of love, peace, human value and divine values. Our hearts go out to the families of victims who lost their lives in the Manchester Attack.

To Islamists:

Whether people were singing and dancing, this is between them and God. You cannot decide for them; you have no authority. Don’t forget that God can forgive anybody; he is not going to ask you whether or not he should forgive somebody.

Don’t think Christians and Jews are Mushrikeen (polytheists). Mushrikeen are those who find a partner with God. Christianity, Judaism and Islam are Abrahamic, monotheistic faiths. They believe in one God; those who believe in one God cannot be called Mushrikeen. They believe in God and order for them to reach God, God sent them a messenger. Jesus was the messenger for Christians; Moses and Abraham were messengers for the Jews. Whether or not they have amended their books, this is between them and God. God will decide what to do; you have no authority to take anybody’s life. Those who do this are only bringing calamity and should await the torment from God.

Prophet Mohammad said, ‘You cannot be a Momin (true believer) if your neighbour goes to bed without food.’

If you don’t care about your neighbour and he sleeps without food, you are stripped of your faith. [Instead of giving them food] you are killing them — and you think you are a Momin. You are taking their lives and you still think you will enter Paradise?

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