


Jashan-e-Shahi, 2013

11 years, 7 months ago

Jashan-e-Shahi is being celebrated on the 25th of July this year (15th Ramadan).

Jashan-e-Shahi is celebrated because it is the day upon which His Divine Eminence Sayedna RaRiaz Gohar Shahi honoured the rank of Mehdi-hood! We wish you all a Happy Jashan-e-Shahi. 


A quote from 'The Religion of God' by His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi on the subject of Jashan-e-Shahi:

What is Jashan-e-Shahi and the Reasons Why it is Celebrated?

On the 15th of Ramadan 1977, a series of unique secretive conversations (Ilhaamat or inspiration) with God also began. The promise of ‘Radhiya Mardhiya’ (‘Your will is my will, my will is your will’) took place and rank was also granted. Since every rank (martaba) and ascension (meraaj) is related to the 15th of Ramadan, this is why in order to express feelings of happiness and thanksgiving, Jashan-e-Shahi is celebrated every year.

In the year 1978, His Divine Eminence moved to Hyderabad, Sindh, and began to shower the grace of divine guidance on mankind, and in a short span of time, His spiritual grace spread throughout the world. The hearts of millions of people were revived with God’s remembrance. God’s name, ‘Allah’ was imprinted on the hearts of millions of people, and they witnessed it on their hearts. Hundreds of thousands of people acquired access to Kashf Al Qaboor (the ability to speak to the subtlety of Nafs of the departed Saints) and Kashf Al Hudhoor (access to the court of Mohammad). His Divine Eminence has cured millions of people with terminal diseases. After having received the teachings and guidance from His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi, the people from every religion, every nationality, and every race acquired the love of God, and began to reach the Essence of God.

‘By God! I too am from those people, on whose hearts the name “Allah” is so beautifully written and shining.’—Sheikh Nizam-Uddin, Maryland, U.S.A.

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