


My Stand: Islam (Minus Prophet Mohammad) is Not Acceptable - Younus AlGohar

9 years, 1 month ago

Inviting Muslims for a debate, over my stand: Islam (Minus Prophet Mohammad) is not acceptable.

It’s evident that the Muslims have scarce knowledge of Islam, and they believe in anything that they hear on the grapevine. The Prophet Mohammad declared himself to be the city (source) of knowledge.

The problem and mischief began to pollute the Muslim hearts when Umar Bin Khattab argued with the Prophet Mohammad and refused to accept advice from the Prophet’s counselling. When Ali Ibn Talib became the Caliph, there were already 10,000 troublemakers, who were projecting defamatory slogans such as: ‘God’s land and God’s law. There should be no middle-man’.

Ali Ibn Talib had to crush this mischief. 5,000 of them were killed and the other 5,000 seemingly quit this hateful ideology.

More or less, 200 years ago, the devil emerged from Najd (Central Province of Saudi Arabia) and Mohammad Bin Abdul Wahhab of Najd reintroduced the same mischief.

He declared that respect and love for the Prophet Mohammad was prohibited in Islam, therefore, Prophet Mohammad must not be given any more respect than what is given to an elder brother.

He nullified importance and respect of the Prophet Mohammad, and declared the source of knowledge to be the Quran; that the Muslims do not need Prophet Mohammad as an intermediary to reach God and that the Muslims do not require mediumship of the Prophet for the acceptance of their supplication.

As the love of Prophet Mohammad exited from the hearts of the Muslims, they became ruthless and learnt to be wild warriors. Those that still remained clung to Prophet Mohammad acquired spiritual pearls and managed to become enlightened and mortified.

They were the ones who came to be known as Sufis. They loved the Prophet, they loved all humanity and proclaimed the truth that Prophet Mohammad was sent by God as mercy for the entire humanity.

Prophet Mohammad taught peace and love; he declared an act of suicide to be extremely disapproving. Prophet Mohammad said, 'Murder of one man is equal to elimination of the entire humanity.'

The Muslims that imitated Prophet Mohammad became Sufi Muslims and those that rejected his importance became terrorists.

We reject all forms of Islam that doesn’t take Prophet Mohammad as there intermediary to reach God and those that do not respect the Prophet Mohammad.

Islam without love of the Prophet Mohammad is nothing but terrorism and a mark of humiliation to Sufis and all peace-loving Muslims.

I reject the Islam, the nucleus of which is not Mohammad.

- His Holiness Younus AlGohar

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