


The ‘Imam Mehdi’ App launched onto the Apple App Store

14 years, 5 months ago

Instead of reading on, you may prefer to view a short introduction video for the 'Imam Mehdi' application.

This application is an effort to spread the message of the Messiah Foundation International (also known as Mehdi Foundation International) to the global audience. It is a convenient collection of information regarding Imam Mehdi. Just as our "Deen-e-Illahi (The Religion of God)" application on iBookstore, it is free and a must-have!


  • A comparative view of the images of H.D.E. RaRiaz Gohar Shahi and the blessed places of depiction


  • Sayings of many celebrated saints and philosophers who have predicted the signs of the advent of the Mehdi/Messiah.



The 'Imam Mehdi' application is now available for download on iTunes for the iPhone, iPod, & iPad (as well as selected Apple appliances).


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