


His Divine Eminence Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi on the New Sufi Pakistan

11 years, 1 month ago

The New Sufi Pakistan

Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi said, ‘Now we are contacting the High Court. If we do not receive justice from there then we will go to the Supreme Court. If we are disappointed from there, then the President of Pakistan will be contacted. If we do not receive an answer from there, then my own court will decide how to set Pakistan free from the control of tyrants, rid this pure land of crows and black sheep and hand it over to the just, enlightened-conscience Momineen (True Believers). We will pull all strings to achieve this target, use all resources required and will not hesitate to sacrifice lives.’


Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, ‘I testify and vow to the people that those who are wrongly locked up in the jails or those who have been instigated with false cases and have become thieves or those who have become subject to political revenge and forced to leave the country – that in the near future a time will come when this country of Pakistan will be ruled by a dervish. The lion and goat will drink water from the same riverbank together. There will be peace, there will be justice and everybody will prosper. God-fearing people and Sufis will hold all the important positions. As per my knowledge, at least the western law and prison system will be terminated. After a penalty, capital punishment, fine or slavery, prisoners will be released and either lashed, have their hands cut off or stoned. Prisons will no longer be needed. This strict law will be the foundation of peace.’ 

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