His Holiness Younus AlGohar (YAG) was interviewed by Jackie Fuller (JF) of Interfaith Connections TV during his recent visit to Virginia, USA.
JF: We are honoured to have His Holiness Younus AlGohar, co-founder of Messiah Foundation International. Mr AlGohar, thank you for coming on our show today.
YAG: My pleasure.
JF: Now can you share with our audience some background information about yourself?
YAG: My name is Younus AlGohar. I come from England and I live in London. I go across the world preaching the message of peace, love, tolerance and spirituality.
JF: What inspired you to get involved and create your organisation?
YAG: Our master, His Divine Grace Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, who comes from Pakistan. Pakistan is a country where there is so much extremism and fanaticism. When my master spoke of love and peace, as a young student, I was inspired by His teachings. He spiritualised my life and changed the way I think. He changed my thought-process.
I realised there is so much hatred, especially coming from religious circles. So we established this organisation to raise the awareness of the value of love, peace and harmony and the fact that the entire humanity is one creation of God. We should all love each other, learn to be tolerant, spiritualise our lives and respect humanity.
JF: Where are your offices located? Is it pretty much in the UK or are you across the world in different continents?
YAG: Our headquarters are in England, UK and we have our offices in Australia, Japan, South Korea, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Canada, America and some other countries in Europe, such as Greece.
JF: What is the process for an individual to get involved with your organisation?
YAG: There are many things that Messiah Foundation International is doing. The first thing is to raise the awareness of importance and significance of spiritual knowledge - because spiritual knowledge is the medicine which can heal hearts, let us learn to love each other and learn to love God.
Number two, we are striving to wipe out hatred from minds which have been radicalised. Short-sighted people - especially among Muslims - who have adopted radicalised ways, have become intolerant. We are trying to attract Muslim youth to learn spiritual knowledge and also understand the true interpretation of the book of Quran. [They] should also understand the message of the Prophet Mohammad of Islam. We are successfully doing it.
We are also heralding the news of the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ and his role in the future. We are publicising miraculously manifested image of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and Lord Jesus Christ on the surface of the Moon and Mars. These are a few things that we doing across the world and a lot of people from different religions are joining. They're learning to be tolerant and peaceful.
JF: What has the feedback been like so far with the work your organisation has done?
YAG: Feedback is very good, especially from people who are fed up from the religions. However, there are always some fractions in the religion that are very extremist and fanatic; obviously they will not approve of what we are doing. So we are not good news for them [laughs]. However, those who love peace, tolerance and interfaith harmony, they really appreciate it and they are supporting this organisation all over the world.
JF: With the mention of interfaith work, which is a key component in what you do, have there been communities that have been more receptive to your message and your work?
YAG: Actually, how people react to this message depends on what country you live in and how much freedom of speech is offered in those countries. So when we are here in Europe, Canada, and especially America, we see freedom of speech; the government and society respects everybody's opinion and their freedom. A lot of good, positive response comes from these countries like Canada, United States of America, Australia, Japan and England.
JF: It is interesting, because I'll say that Canada is more known as being as more secular versus here [in America]. I think it [has] more pockets of conservative [people].
YAG: Toronto is more open in comparison to Montreal, Quebec.
JF: I'm just curious: how does one obtain the spiritual title that you have, 'His Holiness'?
YAG: There is no spiritual hierarchy or any spiritual establishment which would confer on me with this title. It is the love of the people who come, listen to me and support my cause. Out of love, they say it. I don't really get offended [laughs] and I allow them to say it if it doesn't hurt me.
JF: I know with some people - and this is really the new tradition - they will make a title and it's not really familiar with what they're accustomed to. As a new spiritual movement, they may have hesitation or reservations. Have you have had any situations like that and what do you do to counter that fear that comes about when they [worry] about you for the first time? What is your approach to counter the fears?
YAG: I don't really care about this title; it's what some people may use. But personally, I never use this title and I have no desire to use such titles. I'm a simple man and I feel good that I'm doing something to benefit humanity. If anything comes between me and humanity and stops me from benefitting them, then obviously I would never use such a title.
JF: You also mentioned in reading on your website about healings that have taken place and so forth.
YAG: Yes.
JF: How have those occurred? Did they occur at your events? I know for some people, they experienced healing from looking at pictures. What has been the response from those who have experienced those types of healings from your work? What has been the response, [knowing that] people's lives have been improved because of the work that your organisation is doing.
YAG: Spiritual healing is a booming business in the world. Some people sell this kind of stuff. But when our Master, His Divine Grace Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, delegated me to carry out spiritual healing, He empowered my heart and said, 'You must serve humanity but make sure that you do not receive any benefits in return. Do not charge anybody; the moment you take a single penny from anybody, this will stop. You will not be able to heal anybody.'
So our services of spiritual healing are for the entire humanity and it's completely free. We are doing it all over the world and many thousands of people have benefited from this spiritual healing.
JF: So you can't even take donations?
YAG: Donations towards the cause of this mission are accepted but we do not charge anything.
JF: Now, ordinary people: how are they involved in your organisation? How do they find out about your organisation and the works of your group? How have they been receptive? Are they involved or do they just follow you on Facebook and Twitter?
YAG: There is a lot for the young generation to be taking part in what we are doing. It is not a simple slogan of spirituality. What we are teaching is spiritual sciences. You must have heard about mesmerism, hypnotism, telepathy, all these things - how people get involved and how much interest they develop. It is because when they do certain things, they tend to have a little bit of power in them. With telepathy, you have this ability to read minds of others. With hypnotism, you [also] have some kind of ability developed in you.
In a similar way, what we are teaching is spiritual sciences. We are teaching them how to enlighten all the souls inside you. When the souls inside you are awakened and enlightened, you begin to have power: power of love, power of harmonising your soul with humanity, power of getting into the unseen and power to foresee things. When the youth experience such things, they are obviously becoming involved because they are feeling it. So a lot of youth are inclined towards spirituality.
JF: I noticed in this country that people are moving away from religion, away from God and [away from] identifying themselves with the religions of their parents. With movements like yours or even people on their own, it is definitely a transition where the old generations are - again, like I said - concerned about children and grandchildren not following that path versus someone who can maybe find a way to encourage that child/young adult to find their own path. In your experience, have young people come from that perspective? And once they got involved with your organisation were they like, 'Okay, I like this better than what I was hearing before'?
YAG: Yeah. You see, religions now are not delivering what they were meant to. All over the world - it's not about one religion. Almost every religion has lost its spiritual system. People go to churches, synagogues, mosques and temples; they see politics is going on there and nothing divine is being offered. Their spiritual quest is not quenched and their spiritual thirst is not quenched. The questions are not answered. So the religions have failed today to address the issues of this modern era. People are becoming weary of illogical restraints of some religions. [You know, some religions say,] 'This is bad, this is this, this is that.'
They want something real which can bring them closer to divine, supreme power. Today there is no religion which is doing its job; this is because the spiritual system in all these religions has been destroyed. Now, because there is a gap between people and God and that gap was to be filled by the spiritual system, therefore people are disconnected from God. People keep praying to God and he doesn't answer their prayers. People think God is not listening to them, but the thing is, you are not able to make God hear what you want to say to him.
This is because there is a communication gap which is the result of the lack of spiritual system. If you were spiritually connected to God, you would say one word and God would hear it. This is why people are becoming fed up with religions and people are distancing themselves from God. However, once spiritual connection is established with God and people are able to feel God inside their hearts, inside their emotions, they will start to [learn about] God again.
JF: Where do you see your organisation going or growing in the next 5 years?
YAG: This world is full of people who are playing at the hands of fake spiritualists/religious leaders - and some people like fanaticism/extremism. In the wake of all these, our pace is very slow because you will not find every other man willing to love God, willing to love all humanity. So, we are getting there; we are striving. I'm not going to make any claims. We are striving and I hope with all the struggle that we are carrying out, we will get somewhere someday.
JF: If we want to find out more information about Messiah Foundation International, what is the best way to do that?
YAG: We are on the internet. All the information - telephone numbers, our Facebook address, Twitter address, everything - is available on our website: http://www.goharshahi.us/
JF: Thank you for providing that and thank you for providing a new perspective here on our show. We do appreciate you coming on and please keep in touch with your progress as you travel around the world in your endeavours. Thank you very much.
YAG: Thank you.
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