


HH Younus AlGohar Speaks to the Virakesari Newspaper

8 years, 9 months ago

A delegation from the Virakesari Newspaper in Sri Lanka recently visited Younus AlGohar to discuss a variety of topics. The following are highlights from the interview.

HH Younus AlGohar, CEO of MFI

On Spirituality: the Core of Religions

Messiah Foundation International is purely a spiritual movement. It has nothing to do with any religion.

Converting from one religion to another does not make any difference. It depends on the man. If you are a bad man, you will be a bad Christian; and if you leave Christianity and adopt Islam, you will be a bad Muslim. It is about the character of the man.

Spirituality has the answer. Spirituality will fix the man and make him a wonderful person with love and compassion. Spirituality is about bringing the attributes of God in a human being so he gets rid of hatred, greed, jealousy and arrogance; he begins to understand that everybody is the creation of one God. This happens when the inner devil is taken care of. Spirituality provides inner purification.

This the core of Buddhism, Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism), Sufism (Islam) and Kabbalah (Judaism). The message is the same, the outer is different. We are not talking about religions; we are talking about the core of religions. Spirituality is about becoming good and lovable. It is about coexisting in a [multi-religious, multicultural] society.

Everybody appreciates love, but it is very difficult to follow love, because there is something inside us which does not allow us to love everybody. Something inside us only prompts us to love ourselves. Everybody is thickly and deeply in love with himself. If you love yourself, you will not love anybody else. When you love everybody, that is when you a good human being.

Self-love will make you a monster; you will deprive everybody else of their rights.

You will want to grab everything for yourself, and that is causing problems.

Through spirituality, you will begin to love humanity and God. If you claim to love God but you hate his creation, that is not true love.

God is the one who created everybody; if you have true love of God, you will love everybody no matter who they are. People talk about love, but love is not easy to obtain. There are certain things in us that prevent us from the practice of love. Every human being is born with a negative source, a negative spirit. That spirit pushes him to do wrong, to hate, to obtain power and money, and deprive all others [of their rights]. That evil spirit is purified only with the help of spirituality.

This is what we are working on: raising awareness of spirituality among people of all religions.

Now we have so many problems coming out from religions: extremism, fanaticism, terrorism. This is because the religions have been modified; this is the not the original teachings of any religion. God doesn’t allow any human being being to kill another human being.

According to Judaism, if you kill somebody, you have destroyed your religion. The same thing is found in Islam. Prophet Mohammad said, Killing one person is equal to killing the entire humanity.’ It is very unfortunate that we have some Muslims in this world today who think that by killing people, they will go into heaven. Something is wrong; they have deviated from the true teachings of Islam. On the other hand, in Islam, we have Sufis who love everybody.

Bawa Muhaiyaddeen was a Sufi; he was Tamil and he couldn’t speak English. He went to the USA, where he would deliver lectures in Tamil and people were so inspired by his presence and the amount of love he shared with them. He would read the Quran and Jews, Hindus and Christians all would read the Quran with him. He was giving love to everybody. He never asked them to become a Muslim. Whether or not you are a Muslim, you are still creation of God. We should learn to love everybody. Such Sufis were the prime example of God’s presence on Earth. This is what we need in Sri Lanka today. People should practise spirituality, forget about their differences.

Without inner purification, people will never forget differences. Without inner purification, people will never get rid of hatred.

If a bulb is not working because the filament is burnt, no matter how many times we plug it in, it will not work until we fix the filament.

Similarly, no matter how many times we go to a temple, mosque, church or synagogue and listen to any number of religious scholars, nothing is going to change unless we go through this inner purification.

When you become a spiritual man, you serve all religions.

‘Buddha’ simply means enlightened one. When you enlighten yourself, you become Buddha. Hinduism is all about spirituality. ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ means ‘Brahma is inside me.’ Only those go to a temple who think Brahma, Vishnu and Krishan Ji are sitting in the temple. Those who bring them in their heart become holy; they become gurus.

The knowledge of spirituality is very secretive. With the help of this knowledge, every human being on Earth will become a holy person. This is the solution but we need to raise awareness of this knowledge.

This knowledge was not available, but it was part of every religion. When it was separated from religion, religion became useless. Even today, Muslims who do not practise Sufism are causing problems. Those who practise Sufism are good Muslims. Similarly, those who practise spirituality are good Hindus. Those who practise Kabbalah teachings are good Jews.

We need the knowledge of purifying our human instincts.

Due to greed, arrogance and jealousy, our human attributes have gone down and the animal attributes have come up. We look like human beings, we eat and walk like human beings, but we act like animals.

Religions have separated themselves from spirituality, this is why people are suffering. Although they are going to mosques and temples every day, they are not changing. In fact, you will see that a simple man may be a little better than those who are going to mosques and temples every day.

It is about the character, not about the religion. If a religion does not fix you and make you a good human being, it simply means the religion is not going inside your heart.

This is because you have lost the knowledge which would put the religion inside your heart; instead, the religion is only restricted to your lips. Spirituality is the knowledge which will purify your heart and enlighten you.

God has no religion. He sent many prophets and messengers and all of them brought down God’s message. No prophet or messenger said, ‘Go kill and hate people.’ The message of God is love. This love is achieved through practice of spirituality.

The force behind our body is our soul. When the soul leaves the body, the body is dead.

The knowledge which will revive and activate the soul is spirituality. The is the knowledge that awakens the soul. If your soul is dormant, you may be going into temples and churches, but you won’t be changing. Religion should change you. If you are a beast before you follow a religion and, after 20 years of practice of a religion, you’re still a monster, the religion is not changing you.

Religion is about character: changing the man from bad to good.

On Purification of the Ego

Sometimes you know what is good and bad, but then you feel something inside you is pushing you to do bad. Sometimes, you overcome the desire to do bad; sometimes you have weak moments in which you get carried away. [Spirituality helps] you overcome the force which inside you pushing you to do bad.

Spirituality concentrates on your inner man. For this, you don’t have to convert from one religion to another. Even if you don’t practise any religion, you don’t need it. You need to become good and spirituality can do that for you.

You’re already a Hindu, Christian or Muslim. If you follow spirituality, then you will become a good Muslim or Hindu, because your inner will be enlightened. The problem is not because of Muslims or Hindus; the problem is with bad Muslims, bad Hindus, bad Jews and bad Christians. They’re bad because their soul is not awakened. We need to fix that problem.

We teach people how to awaken the soul.

A lot of gurus come to Sri Lanka and talk about meditation. If your soul is not awakened, what will meditation do for you? [In their versions of meditation] with the power of visualisation, you imagine yourself in a garden or flying. This is a story; this isn’t meditation.

A true meditation is one in which your soul is awakened. You concentrate on your soul and your soul leaves the body. It reaches it heights, sees God and meets with different spiritual people or angels. That will happen when the soul is enlightened.

Our message for everybody is how to get rid of the hatred and the source of hatred. We have heard a lot of lectures. We have heard the Quran and Bible, but by hearing and listening to the lectures, nothing is changing. We are still the same.

If you have fever, medicine must be taken. Simply talking about the medicine will not solve the problem.

We say, ‘Everybody should love each other,’ but how? Everybody wants to love. When we see people are suffering, for a moment or two, we tell ourselves, ‘They are also human beings. They should not be suffering.’ Then we forget [about them]. We don’t practically force ourselves to do good because we don’t have any force inside us [to push us to do good]. The only force inside us is the force that drives us to do negative things.

Somebody is inside us which is stopping us from becoming good.

According to the Quran, when you go into a mosque, the prayer you do will stop you from doing bad. According to Islam, if you talk bad about somebody in their absence, for God, it is worse a sin than committing adultery. This is how strict God is about our character.

If I have five or six brothers and one of them becomes a Muslim and another becomes a Hindu, the fact that they are my brothers will never change. Just because they are my brothers, I will never want to harm them. In a similar way, we are progeny of Adam and creation of the same God. Why do we forget that before being a Muslim, Christian or Jew, we are brothers? Having the same father makes us brothers; what about the same God? God is greater than our father.

We have lost this message because our souls are dormant. When we all learn to purify our souls, the negatively will depart our bodies. Although we will still remain to be Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims, we will learn to appreciate that everyone is the creation of the same God and that nobody is lower or greater than anybody else.

The only thing that will make you greater person than others is the amount of love you have for God and humanity.

[Your greatness depends on] how tolerant you are to others, how peaceful you are and how helpful you are. That will happen when the source of evil is rooted out with the help of spirituality and God’s energy and love enter the heart. That is our message.

On the Method of Enlightenment

Spiritually, we transmit divine light into the heart. That light will enter the heart. For example, we will transmit the light of Ra Raam; it will enter your heart. Then you will be sleeping and your heart will keep saying, ‘Ra Raam’. Even when you are sleeping, it goes on because the heart doesn’t stop. The constant invocation of Ra Raam will produce divine energy, which will purify your souls. You don’t have to practise it; it is the practice of your soul.

Spirituality is not done by the physique. It is to be done by the soul.

Once the divine energies enter into the soul, it will become a volunteer. You will feel you are becoming a good person. You will notice that source that drags you to do bad is going away. You won’t feel like doing wrong things.  [You may start to feel love for someone you previously hated]. That will happen when God’s light accumulates in the heart.

Today, people have everything: business, money, women, etc. but some people still feel there is no peace in life.

Your body has everything; your soul needs something. The food of the soul is love and God’s light.

This is why you have all the luxuries of life, even then you feel a little uneasy and you lack peace of mind and heart. That is the demand of the soul, ‘I need some divine energy, I need some love.’

When love is missing from life, it is because the soul is not awakened. You need to awaken the soul.

This is not a method invented by me. It is a God-gifted method. God taught it to everybody. All prophets and messengers who came had this knowledge. Anyone who became a guru became a guru because of this knowledge.

We are addressing the souls. It is the practice of the soul. There is no physical activity because it is about souls. Spirituality is about the souls. The source of the body is the soul. When the soul is good, the body will be good.

People have so many diseases today; this is because the soul is weak inside. When you empower their souls, they will be healed. Thousands of people came to me and we did spiritual healing on them. Many people who were suffering from heart diseases came and their health was restored.

They take the divine energy and when their soul is fixed, their problems go away.

On the Different Names of God

There is no such thing as Muslim God or Hindu God. We have given different names to him, but there is only one God. Ra Raam, God, Bhagwan and Vishnu are different names but God is the same.

There are different names for water in Tamil, Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Hindi, French and other languages, but the substance is the same. Similarly, different names have been given to God, but the supreme power is the same. He doesn’t change. You can’t say he is only for Muslims or Hindus. God has many names.

Any name for God is great and worthy of respect.

One thing is important. According to science, our voice has vibration and energy. This energy does not die. In a similar way, God’s name, when we say it, is transformed into vibration. Some names have stronger vibrations; it depends. [There are varying potency levels for medicine] like Paracetamol: there is 500 mg and then we have 200 mg. The stronger the medicine is, the quicker it will work.

The name ‘Ra Raam’ is very strong. This is the only difference [between the names of God is] potency. Otherwise, you can call him with any name: you can call him Vishnu, Krishna, Allah, Bhagwan, God, Eloha, Elohim, etc.

On the Holy Black Stone

The Holy Black Stone (Maha Shiv Lingham) was brought by Shankar Bhagwan (Adam the Eminent One) from the heaven. The image of Kalki Avatar was placed inside. When he brought it down, he asked everybody to respect it and worship it. He put it in Kaaba, which is now a Muslim place.

Even according to the Quran, no human being should be stopped from going and worshipping the Holy Black Stone. Visiting that place has been made obligatory by God upon all human beings. This is oppression and tyranny that Muslims do not allow other religions to go there. The Quran directs that the entire humanity should be allowed to go there, but they don’t allow it, which means they don’t follow Quran.

Before Islam, the Kaaba had 360 idols. The Holy Black Stone was one of them.

According to Muslim beliefs, the Holy Black Stone is very sacred and the pilgrimage of Hajj is incomplete if you do not touch it, kiss it or receive blessings from it. It is sacred.

It created confusion among minds of many Muslims. They thought, ‘Hindus worship stones in their temples and when we come to Kaaba, we are also worshipping a stone. So what is the difference between Islam and Hinduism?’ Both religions come from God; it is the understanding and the method that differs. There is not much difference.

The Holy Black Stone is sacred for all human beings. All prophets kissed it, even Mohammad, the Prophet of Islam. Whenever he would come near the Holy Black Stone, he would cry in love.

On the Future and Terrorism

The future is good. The only religion that will come is the Religion of God: love. You’re all one, so love each other with the power of God’s love.

There will be two groups: people of hatred and people of love. Those who are good people will join the group of love no matter what religion they practise. People of hatred will join the other group which comprises the Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Wahhabism, etc.

Sometimes bad things are given a good label; people can only see the outer shape, outer layer, but they don’t know that this is bad. [In that case] they’re victims, but they should use their brain. It is not like God gave some people a brain and others were left without brains.

If I give you Panadol or Paracetamol for your fever, it is very familiar. However, if you say, ‘I never heard of this medicine before,’ you will definitely resist and research. You want to know what you’re taking. That is your duty.

If I give you poison and say, ‘This is Paracetamol,’ and you’re so naive that you don’t even want to know what you’re eating, who will you blame when you’re dead? It is about your life. Before taking the medicine, you should know what it is. Similarly, if somebody is telling you about your religion, you should study it. Consult the source of knowledge of your religion; for Islam, it is the Quran and the practice of Prophet Mohammad.

Someone who is becoming a Jihadi is a potential fool. It is all about lust and sex, not religion. If I tell you, ‘Kill that man and I’ll give you 70 women,’ you’re doing it for your lust, not your religion. If God announces today, ‘You can do anything to please me, but there is no reward,’ they won’t do it. God does not want you to kill anybody. For you, you may be Tamil or Sinhalese and someone else may be Indian or Pakistani, but for God, you’re all children of God. He wants to love everybody equally. He doesn’t care whether you’re born in Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, America or the UK.

As I was saying, bad things have been given good labels and good things have been given bad labels. It is like there is a piece of gold and covered with silver, and there is a piece of silver covered with gold. Obviously, you will take the one which looks like gold. You do not know how to recognise what is gold and what is silver. You need to have the power of recognition.

People are sold on this idea of Jihad: why practise religion for 20-30 years when you can go to paradise in five minutes? This is a shortcut, but this is all wrong. This is not Jihad; this is hatred and God doesn’t like it.

God can use tsunamis, earthquakes or thunder. God does not need terrorists.

One tsunami can wash away thousands of people. For those who say, ‘We are God’s warriors,’ no, they’re not. God doesn’t need them. God can kill anybody, anywhere, at any time.

One thing is imminent: Kalki Avatar is the final destroyer. He will destroy [the terrorists], not good people.

There will be a final battle. On one side, there will be people of Kalki Avatar, Jesus Christ and Imam Mehdi. They will give justice and love to everybody. On the other side, there will be people of hatred, whoever they are.

The forces of Jesus Christ, Mehdi and Kalki Avatar will form a greater alliance. They will defeat them. With the help of God, they will overcome and overpower them. This place will become a beautiful place. There will be no hatred. Imam Mehdi will fill the Earth with justice. There will be no killing, no hatred and no fights. This will happen soon. We’re going in that direction.

Most of these terrorists were already gangsters.

When someone does bad things, they want to do it, but because they are a Christian or Muslim also, they think, ‘What I am doing is wrong and my Muslim brothers and sisters perceive I am a wrong person.’ They continue to do wrong things, but they have this burden of guilt.

People were told, ‘Come join ISIS and you will have more girls and women to sleep with than you have now, you will be able to use more kalashnikovs and guns and kill people than you are now - and you will do all this without guilt because you’re doing this for God.’ When you give this kind of concept to criminals, they feel sheltered. This is pure evil. Only one group among Muslims have this attitude and that is Wahhabis.

Wahhabis  don’t consider any other Muslim as a true Muslim.

If you are a Muslim and you do not agree with Wahhabism, Wahhabis think you are worse than non-Muslims.

This is why thousands of people are killed in Pakistan. Every day there is a suicide bombing in Pakistan. Most Pakistanis are Muslims; why are they killing Muslims?

It is not about Islam. It is about Wahhabism.

If you are not Wahhabi, they think you are not a true Muslim. They want the world to be a Wahhabi-dominated society. It is oil money; Saudi Arabia wants to become the superpower through the industry of terrorism.

There is no more Islam in practice. The Islam which was established by Prophet Mohammad is not in practice; they don’t believe in that Islam. This is their own version of Islam in which there is no blessing, love, compassion, respect for humanity or respect for women. This is their Islam; it was not designed by God. The one that has been designed by God was Sufi Islam, which they rejected. Sufi Islam promotes love and peace.

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