


A Wonderful Event at the Sai Baba Temple in India

10 years, 9 months ago

A great majority of people at the Sai Baba Temple embraced the message of Kalki Avatar Ra Gohar Shahi on the 4th of June, 2014. A member from the KAF Delhi Team proclaimed,

‘It was such a wonderful day. So many people were pleased to hear about Kalki Avatar Ra Gohar Shahi.’

Over 1000 leaflets bearing the image of Kalki Avatar Ra Gohar Shahi were distributed at the grounds of the temple. Many people took great interest in our message and wanted our team to explain more about the teachings of Lord Kalki Avatar. One aspirant upon receiving our message said,

‘I will take this message to my friends and family. I know they will love it.’

Overall, it was a very successful event and we would like to thank Mr Jasbir Singh for organising the visit at the temple.

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