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Types of Love

HH Younus AlGohar answers a question from someone on social media who asked for the definition and applications of love.

Read the transcript:

⁃Love is of many types. People generally believe that love means an outburst of emotions which is constantly generated.

⁃When you see someone and are so taken with the beauty of their body that you momentarily forget where you are, this is affection and infatuation. As a child, your love is innocent. When you reach puberty, you notice the opposite sex and you fall in 'love' often; this is puppy love.

⁃There is conditional love and unconditional love. Conditional love is commonly practised; unconditional love is not humanly possible; it is granted to an individual by God. Before unconditional love is granted to you by God, there are many conditions to be fulfilled.

⁃In divine love, you are supposed to have feelings for God. But you have never spoken to him or seen him. You have no personal experience with him. Initially, you must generate divine energy in your heart. When you have generated enough divine energy, you will start to have feelings for God because you have something of his in you. This will uplift your outburst of emotions for God. This is the first stage of love, but it is not eternal love. If you do something wrong that God does not like, the emotions you have for God will be gone.

⁃The original form of love which does not fade away is granted to an individual from God only when he sees God with the soul in his head. When you see God, lights will emanate from his body and pull you towards him. This natural attraction is known as pure, unconditional love.

Esoteric knowledge, Religion, Religion of God, Spirituality,

Part 1

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