God purposely created confusion in the Quran because he did not want the religion to last. According to him, the religion to be established is Deen-e-Hanif (God's own religion).
Many verses in the Quran seem contradictory and a common man is easily misguided by reading those verses. The Quran is like a teacher's manual - it is not meant to be read by the students.
Mujaddid Alif Thani said, 'Beginners should not read the Quran.' Only after purification can one read the Quran without fear of misguidance.
True Islam begins with Prophet Mohammad and ends with Prophet Mohammad. Islam which takes guidance from the Quran and gives secondary importance to Prophet Mohammad is disgusting.
The true source of knowledge is the Prophet Mohammad, not the Quran. The Quran is the raw material with which Prophet Mohammad built the religion of Islam.
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