An analysis of the sign on the Moon manifested by God to announce the arrival of the Awaited One.
Main points:
- Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi's image is prominent on the Moon. It is a divine sign. It is not humanly possible to create such a large image on the Moon's surface. If you can see the Moon, you can see the image on it.
- The image of Lord Ra Riaz has always been present in the Moon. It has now become prominent. In other words, there was a veil over the Moon that was lifted. The image on the Moon becoming prominent is referred to in the Quran as 'Shaq ul Qamar'.
- Quran [41:53]: 'In the future, I will show them my signs in the horizons and within themselves.' He said he would show the signs, not create them. God's signs are as ancient as God himself. Manifestation of these images doesn't mean they're created in the era they're being manifested in.
- Per traditions of Prophet Mohammad, he asked his nation to look to the Moon, pray to God and ask the Moon to be protector of their faith. The Moon has endorsement of Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi's human profile. When you ask the Moon to be protector of your faith, you are actually asking Imam Mehdi's image.
- Hindu temples had idols made of gold and silver. Muslims would attack them. Mahmud of Ghazni, the thief, made 16 unsuccessful attacks on India. the reason he failed was because a dedicated worshipper would sit in Somnath Temple (Temple of the Moon God). That worshipper loved an idol which was made based on the image on the Moon; he loved it so much that it was imprinted on his heart. Only when he was killed was Ghazni successful in his attacks.
- Prophet Mohammad had similar beliefs about the Moon as Hindus - and this does not contradict the concept of Tauheed (God's Oneness). The knowledge Prophet Mohammad gave to people was of how to establish oneness of God within yourself and remove non-Godly elements from your being. The problem with Wahhabi doctrine of Tauheed is that they heard Prophet Mohammad talking about Tauheed, but they didn't receive the knowledge of Tauheed.
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