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The Revolution of Love | Inqilab-e-Ishq

His Holiness Younus AlGohar talks about human history in an unprecedented way. He talks the audience through the different revolutions that humanity has experienced and why they only occurred in the last 6000 years. He gives glad-tidings of the Revolution of Love that will occur with the bounty of the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi.

Main points:
⁃ A revolution is when new teachings come that completely change the norms of society and norms of spirituality. Many revolutions have come but in the modern era, whatever spiritual and religious revolutions have come have been rendered moot. Humanity is now back at its prehistoric status, the stage it was at before the arrival of Adam the Eminent One.

⁃ God sent 14 000 Adams. 13 999 of these Adams were made with the clay of this world and they didn’t have knowledge of spirituality. Their worship was done with the body. In the era before Adam the Eminent One’s arrival, if somebody adopted a religion, the only difference was that they would start to worship. Their character would not be changed. Your character is directly linked to your Nafs (Self) and Qalb (spiritual heart); if your Nafs is getting purified and your Qalb is getting enlightened with God’s name, you’ll be inclined towards God.

⁃ Adam the Eminent One came 6000 years ago, but this world has existed for billions of years. Adam the Eminent One’s arrival was foretold by the previous Adams, who were told that in the final era, a special Adam would be sent. Adams before Adam Safi Allah would just worship, but they did not know if their worship was accepted by God. They would force themselves not to sin, but the desire to sin was not removed from inside them. Finally, when Adam the Eminent One was sent, angels were told to make his body in heaven. Angels objected to the creation of Adam the Eminent One, citing the war, bloodshed and mischief that all the previous 13 999 Adams had all been involved in. God replied that Adam the Eminent One would be given the knowledge of eminence. God gave Adam the Eminent One the knowledge of how to generate divine energy from God’s names.

⁃ God gave different names to his prophets and messengers. David got the name Ya Wadood while Moses got Ya Rehman, which are related to different attributes of God. Mohammad got the Personal Name of God, Allah, which took him straight to the Person of God. All of God’s names are good.

⁃ Through Adam the Eminent One, the first revolution was brought to humanity: people were able to get connected to God and purify their Nafs and Qalb. Now, man’s voice would reach God. The second revolution was when God spoke to Moses; now, man was able to hear God’s voice. The greatest revolution was when Mohammad introduced the knowledge of seeing God. Unfortunately, this revolution was suppressed because of mischief that took place in Islam. Mohammad’s knowledge of seeing God and his knowledge of spirituality were suppressed by scholars and even companions of the Prophet as well as his wife, Aisha. To become part of Mohammad’s greatest revolution, you have to start adopting the revolutionary knowledge of Adam and so on. This is why God made it obligatory upon all Muslims to believe in all the prophets and messengers.

⁃ Today, people have forgotten the knowledge of eminence. No matter what religion you follow or what race you belong to, if you do not have the knowledge of eminence, then you are no different from the Adams who predated Adam the Eminent One because you are all dark by the heart. Imam Mehdi Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has introduces spiritual knowledge today in a form that the world has never seen before. With this spiritual knowledge, you can know yourself. You can find out what you chose for yourself in the Primordial Times and what your ultimate destiny is.

Religion, Spirituality,

Part 1

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