HH Younus AlGohar discusses how the choice each individual made in the Primordial Times determines their purpose of life.
Main points:
- Death is inevitable. What should worry us is whether or not we achieved what we were meant to in this world. We need to know what our purpose is.
- Between man and God, either there is a very strong bond or there is nothing. Either you are completely dedicated to God, or you are not. To understand complete dedication to God, one has to have paramount knowledge of spirituality. Spirituality is an essential element of life.
- The three major monotheistic religions talk about life prior to this world and life hereafter. Death in this world does not mean death of you.
- In the Primordial Times, you made a choice between luxuries of the world, luxuries of paradise and God's nearness and love. Your purpose in this world is attain that choice.
- If you have all the luxuries of the world but your heart is not content, it means you did not choose the luxuries of the world in the Primordial Times. If you are a dedicated practitioner of a religion but lack inner peace, it means the luxuries of paradise are not your fate.
- Lord Ra Riaz's teachings are diagnostic knowledge which will restore the health of your heart. If you try to adopt spirituality, in a few days, you will find out who you are.
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