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The Inner Devil - Younus AlGohar

Full transcript:

HH Younus AlGohar looks into what drives people from different religious and non-religious backgrounds to commit atrocities.

Main points:
⁃Wahhabis have taken the world by storm, but violent Muslims only account for 7-10% of the entire Muslim population. It is important to only hold those responsible for crimes who are involved in them - and not the wider community. If it is only Islam that promotes terrorism and hatred, non-Muslims shouldn't commit the same crimes as the so-called Muslims of ISIS. Non-Muslims should not be murderers or rapists. If religion corrupts people, what about serial murderers and rapists who don’t believe in God?

⁃One is bad because he is bad, not the religion he associates with. It is not about the religion; it is about the individual. People do bad because of their inner devil.

⁃Regardless of what religion you follow, closer to you than your religion is your inner devil. It is difficult to practise a religion, but it is easy to follow your inner devil. Wage a war against your inner devil or else the practice of your religion will not benefit you.

⁃Those lacking inner knowledge are vulnerable to falling prey to the devil. 180 000 layers of vices like lust and jealousy surround your heart. No matter how you worship, you can't remove layers of vices on your heart. You need a spiritual guide to free you from the shackles of the devil. Anybody whose heart is surrounded by the layers of vices can do any bad thing any time.

⁃People want to promote themselves and become vulnerable as soon as calamity falls upon them. Only those succeed and thrive to purify their inner devil who have strength. If someone insults you and you reply with two insults, you are weak. You have fallen for the plan of your inner devil.

⁃The first lesson in spirituality is to nullify yourself. You are bad because there is a source of evil in you. You will not become good until you purify your inner evil. This inner devil is the barrier between people and their religions.

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Esoteric knowledge, Religion, Secret Knowledge, Souls, Spirituality, Terrorism,

Part 1

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