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The Corruption In Religions

HH Younus AlGohar explains how humanity's steady moral decline and the corruption in religions are signs of the end times, according to God's plan.

- People who believe in God and in their religions are the ones who understand the fact that there is a Divine Plan. The most prominent feature in the end times is the advent of the Awaited One and Lord Jesus.

- According to this plan, main features of the end times are that humanity will distance itself from God and religions will become corrupted. Morality and ethical values will no more be seen. This world is to be a place where lawlessness, distortion, tyranny, corruption, hatred, religious crimes and crimes against humanity prevail.

- In the end times, religions were supposed to lose their value and ability to make followers holy. Today, the most unholy people are religious. The problem is that every single religion that you will see being practised today has become null and void of spirituality.

- Per the fundamental principles of a religion, one needs to adopt a religion in order to reach God. When you catch a flight, you have a destination. Similarly, religions are like vehicles, but people today don't know why they practise a religion.

- No religion is bad, but you don't know how to practise a religion. The corruption in the hearts of human beings has corrupted the religions. The main purpose of a religion is to connect you to God. Today, connecting to God is not on people's minds. They worship in pursuit of paradise.

- In the name of God and religion, whatever carnage of innocent people is taking place is a prominent sign of the end times.

Part 1

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