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Sirat-e-Mustaqeem Kiya Hai? | By Younus AlGohar

His Holiness Younus AlGohar answers a viewer's question about Sirat-e-Mustaqeem (The Straight Path leading to God), what is the real meaning behind it and how you can obtain it.

Main Points:

-- The Koran mentions Sirat-e-Mustaqeem in the very beginning, however, what it is in itself is not explained. Sirat-e-Mustaqeem is not an action you carry out in order to obtain it. Sirat-e-Mustaqeem in actuality is the obedience of your Spiritual Guide.

- Wahhabis and Deobandis try to misguide people by saying the verse in Koran which mentions Sirat-e-Mustaqeem means that one should not ask prophets or saints for help because God is enough for them. However, HDE Gohar Shahi gave the true explanation: You cannot obtain guidance without God's help and God's help comes in the form of saints and spiritual dignitaries.

- God has created mankind for the purpose of his worship. People are already engaged in worship so why is it that their worship will be thrown back in their faces? Why is their worship not guaranteeing them entrance to Paradise? So, which worship has God created us for? It is not the physical worship you carry out with your body. Your body is not your reality, it is your soul.

- It is the soul which is supposed to engage in worship in order to fulfil the type of worship we were created for. How does one engage the souls in worship? With the help of God which comes in the form of Spiritual Dignitaries, they are able to access our souls, enlighten them, and connect them to God. It is for such people it is said 'Follow the path of those whom God has rewarded'.

- God's reward does not come in the form of wealth, it is reaching the station of Seeing God. Those who have seen God and his image has been stamped on their heart, sitting in their company will enlighten your heart and the Divine Light that is generated within the heart travels towards God, another rope of Divine Light travels towards your heart from God and the point where the two ropes join together is Sirat-e-Mustaqeem.

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