In this discourse, His Holiness Younus AlGohar provides clear-cut explanation of the importance of a Perfect Spiritual Guide with references from the Koran. His Holiness gives a guideline on how to recognise and identify a Perfect Spiritual Guide and explains the differences between the three types of Perfect Spiritual Guides.
Main points:
- There are certain aspects of Islam which Muslims have made a part of their personal ritualistic practises; they consider these practises to be their whole religion. For example, Shiites believe that the progeny and household of Prophet Mohammad is the greatest and nothing can supercede their rank in spirituality. The Wahhabi sect, on the other hand, does not accept high praise for Prophet Mohammad as they do not believe in an intermediary between them and God. They believe God is enough for them. And the Sunnis simply follow the traditions of the Prophet Mohammad, they believe in saints and visit the shrines of saints and celebrate Urs (death anniversary) of saints and other spiritual dignitaries and consider themselves to be guided.
- It is not enough to simply believe in saints or even celebrate Urs. You must be able to recognise and identify a saint and then obtaining spiritual benevolence from the saint is also important. The most important thing to remember is that first and foremost you need to recognise the Spiritual Guide. Nobody has talked about recognising the Spiritual Guide and because of this many imposter Spiritual Guides rose to the surface. If you have not found the Perfect Spiritual Guide and instead you are following an imposter not only are you wasting your time but you are jeopardising your fate also.
- How does one identify a Perfect Spiritual Guide? He shall be one who has obtained Union with God, his soul shall be infused with God, he would have at least seen God. In other words, a Perfect Spiritual Guide is one who is connected to God. The first step is to recognise and identify the Spiritual Guide. If you don't do this then you will fall prey at the Devil's hands. The second step: The Lord said, 'When it is evident that he [the Perfect Spiritual Guide] is connected to God, then remain steadfast in his company and do whatever he says.'
- The Muslim nation became misguided because they presumed that they will not be able to understand the Koran without the help of the Islamic scholars. Because of this reason they turn a blind eye to even the most blatant verses from the Koran that reveal the important of a Spiritual Guide. This is the reason why Muslims are practically disconnected with the Koran. Koran: "Those whom God wishes to misguide are deprived of a Perfect Spiritual Guide." The Wahhabis took the opposite meaning of this verse and applied it to the entire humanity, they think it means only God can grant guidance. No, this simply means that those who are destined to be misguided, no Perfect Spiritual Guide can guide them.
- Now, there are three different types of Perfect Spiritual Guides: 1) Kamil Hayat (Exoterically Accomplished) - He can render spiritual benevolence to people during his lifetime and has the ability to grant Opening of the Spiritual Heart within 7 days. 2) Kamil Mumaat (Esoterically Accomplished) - He did not become a saint during his lifetime, rather he was granted sainthood after his demise. He is able to render spiritual benevolence from his grave; Gabriel makes the announcement to the hearts of Momin (true believers) and the saint himself signals them towards his grave. He can grant Opening of the Spiritual Heart within 3 days. 3) Kamil Dhat (Divinely Accomplished) - He dispenses spiritual benevolence during his lifetime as well as after his demise. He has the ability to grant Opening of the Spiritual Heart with a single merciful glance.
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