HH Younus AlGohar responds to rumours circulating the internet that Prophet Mohammad slept with a 6-year-old girl.
Main points:
Those who say Prophet Mohammad slept with a 6-year-old girl are placing an allegation upon him.
Abu Bakr Sadiq, Aisha's father, gifted her to Prophet Mohammad when she was 6. She lived in his house but he did not develop intimate relations with her until after she reached puberty.
According to the system in Western countries, a 60-year-old can have sex with a 19-year-old if both parties are consenting. But 1400 years ago in Hijaz, the system was different.
Those who force someone to have sex with them is a rapist. Prophet Mohammad never forced any woman to enter into sexual relations with him. What ISIS is doing is brutality and it is not sanctioned by Islam.
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