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Khudayi Fassad Aur Aloohiyat-e-GOHAR SHAHI | By Younus AlGohar

Food for thought about how God behaves with his creation and the new option offered to humanity by Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi.

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Main points
- In rapturous love, there is equality between the two parties involved; however God always remembers he is the creator and that human beings are his creation. How can he engage in rapturous love then? When human beings wanted to love God, he did not tell them how to love him; rather they said he would do the loving himself. Human beings are practically helpless in his system. It is time for humanity to demand their divine rights from God.

- God has a lot to answer for. On the Primordial Day, when a multitude of souls leapt for the modelled luxuries of the world, there was no Carnal Self to influence them towards the world. It was the nature God created them with that pulled them towards the luxuries of the world; therefore it is not their fault they will enter hellfire, but rather God’s.

- The true Lord is the one who came on Earth and went through the human journey. He is the one who feels what human beings feel. God did not do this; but Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi did. If anyone obtains God today, it is because of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi’s bounty.

- Whoever seeks paradise will enter paradise, but whoever seeks God will also enter paradise. It should have been that those who seek God should be put with God. Some people have sacrificed everything to reach God, and in the end they’ll go to paradise. However Lord Ra Riaz says that whoever seeks Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi will stay with Lord Ra Riaz forever. This is a sincere offer.

- Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi is the Lord whose claims are offers are sincere. He does not do anything out of greed. He never created any creation to worship him; he gave his creation all sorts of liberties. God however, did create his creation to worship him. On the Day of Judgement, we will find out whose kingship is in effect. On that day, all will want to bow before Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, but only those will be able to who have bowed before Him in the phenomenal world.

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