**Turn on CC for English translation**
Sayyidi Younus AlGohar’s reply to a viewer who asked what Sufism is, whether or not Sufism comes from Prophet Mohammad and whether or not Prophet Mohammad also granted the Companions the Opening of the Spiritual Heart (Zikr-e-Qalb).
Main points:
- The Koran mentions the teachings of Sufism. In one verse, God said to invoke upon God while standing, sitting and tossing and turning in bed. It mentions that those will be successful who bring with them a Qalb-e-Saleem (Secured Spiritual Heart). A Sufi is one who cleanses his heart and body through invocation of God’s name and divine energy - and he does so in a way that he removes all else but God from within him. A Prophetic Tradition states that the hearts of Devout Believers become the divine abode; so there must be teachings that shape up such a heart: Sufism. Prophet Mohammad and God appointed Ali to spread the teachings of Sufism; Prophet Mohammad said that he is the City of Knowledge and Ali is its gate. The knowledge of Sufism was transferred spiritually from the chest of Prophet Mohammad to the chest of Ali, and Ali then transferred it to Sufis in the same fashion.
- Prophet Mohammad also gave the Opening of the Spiritual Heart just as HDE Gohar Shahi does. Prophet Mohammad told Ali, ‘Close your eyes. You will hear the Motto of Faith resounding from your heart. Listen.’ The Koran 39:22 says that whosoever has obtained Shahr-e-Sadr (Opening of the Chest) for Islam, they will receive divine energy from their Lord. So in light of this, you adopt Islam only once you have obtained Shahr-e-Sadr. The same verse of the Koran states that destruction will be upon those whose hearts are so hard that invocation of God’s name does not enter it; all their worship will go to waste. The Koran 21:7 instructs the seekers who would come after Prophet Mohammad’s era to ask the Ahle Zikr (Saints) for what they did not know. The heart is the only instrument through which man is connected to God; when God grants you guidance, he guides your heart. If God’s name enters your heart, you are a Devout Believer; and the Koran says that if God’s name does not enter your heart, it is open misguidance.
- Prophet Mohammad said, ‘My eyes sleep but my heart does not.’ What is it for the heart to sleep or stay awake? Prophet Mohammad’s heart engaged in the invocation of God’s name; that is what it meant for his heart to stay awake. If this referred to the physical heart, then the heart’s activity is to pump and oxygenate blood - if this act of the heart is stopped, then you will die. So how can you tell whether your physical heart is ‘sleeping or awake’ in light of what Prophet Mohammad said? Objections to the role of the heart in spirituality and Sufism come from people who are not familiar with Sufism. Islam itself is Sufism; Sufism means to cleanse oneself: to purify their Lower Self, heart and entire being.
- A Tradition of Prophet Mohammad states, ‘If you have even a trace of arrogance in your heart, you are unworthy of entering Paradise.’ But how does one remove arrogance from the heart? People read the Koran but they don’t have the teachings through which they can get rid of the arrogance in their hearts. The knowledge that purifies the heart of arrogance is Sufism. It is strange for a Muslim to object to the invocation of God’s name in the heart. Whether God’s name is mentioned verbally or in the heart, it is a good thing. Secondly, the only way to follow God’s instructions in Koran 4:103 is to have the name of God throbbing in your heart; otherwise how can one mention God’s name while they sleep?
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