Full transcript: http://www.goharshahi.us/articles/view/ideology-of-rapturous-love/
In this video, HH Younus AlGohar reveals crucial information about the Wahhabi agenda in different countries, such as Sri Lanka. He analyses their plan to impose their twisted interpretation of Sharia (Islamic Sacred Law) and proves just how impractical it is light of historical events. His Holiness explains how the sacred law of a messenger of God is nullified upon the arrival of another, citing the what happened to Moses’s sacred law upon the advent of Lord Jesus Christ. His Holiness further draws parallels between the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ and the ideology introduced by the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi.
A wide range of speeches from the Representative of Imam Mehdi His Holiness Younus AlGohar are available as podcasts for you to download for free.
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