Why Jihad carried out today is not sanctioned by God.
Transcript: http://www.goharshahi.us/articles/view/how-is-contemporary-jihad-illegitimate/
Main points:
-Prophet Mohammad did not ever make the decision to enter into Jihad, no matter what the circumstances. He waited for God's commandment. When Prophet Mohammad never waged a war without God's command, how can a group of Muslims wage war based on their own understanding and call it Jihad?
-Jihad is only initiated when a religion is new. There only a few followers of a new religion and if they are killed, the religion dies with them. Islam is 1438 years old. Muslims can be under attack, but not Islam. Today, you cannot die in the name of God; God doesn't want it.
-When Islam was safe, Prophet Mohammad said, ‘Let's move forward to greater Jihad (to fight against your inner evil) from smaller Jihad (fight with the sword).’
-Ibn Taymiyyah was the first Muslim scholar to say that Prophet Mohammad was wrong to move towards the greater Jihad (of fighting against inner evil). To say Prophet Mohammad's opinion on the greater Jihad was wrong, Ibn Taymiyyah presented two verses from the Quran and said that the Quran is greater. Ibn Taymiyyah, who rejected Prophet Mohammad's opinion on Jihad, is who Wahhabis follow. 99% of scholars in his time declared him a heretic.
-Jihad is history because Islam is not under attack. Europe, Canada and the United States of America are under attack by radical Muslims.
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