HH Younus AlGohar answers a question posed by Mr Harjeet Singh, who claims that the Chapter Anfal in the Quran promotes violence and sanctions terrorism.
Main points:
- Nothing should be taken out of context. If you remove the context from text, you can completely alter the meaning. This is what happened when religious clergymen tried to defame Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi by manipulating the text of his book, ‘Rouhani Safar’.
- The Quran does not talk about violence. When it talks about killing, it is in relation to punishment of the wicked ones and mischief mongers who wanted to destroy the religion of Islam while it was being established. It is about awarding punishment, just as those found guilty in the court of law are sentenced to jail in civil society.
- The Chapter Anfal was revealed during the Battle of Badr, when pagans of Mecca attacked the Prophet Mohammad and his companions in Medina. The pagans were not Christians, Jews or Hindus; they were those whose religion was Arab nationalism.
- Prophet Mohammad was dragged into this battle; it was done in self-defence. He and his men totalled only 313 while the attackers were 1000 in number. His attackers had weapons and were riding horses and camels. Most of the Muslims did not have sufficient weapons and were not riding any horses or camels.
- There was a clear disadvantage for Prophet Mohammad during this battle. He and his companions were outnumbered greatly. Therefore, he asked God for help. This is when God replied, ‘I will cast terror into the hearts of the disbelievers.’ This was how God helped Prophet Mohammad, by making the enemies fearful and evening the odds.
- This verse was revealed for the battlefield only. It does not encourage Muslims to kill or terrorise anyone. Before commenting on verses from any divine book, you must be aware of the background information. Anyone manipulating this verse to suggest it promotes terrorism is a perpetrator who is playing with the words of God.
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