His Holiness Younus AlGohar asks whether God really loves everybody, as some religions suggest. He explains God’s mentality and his plan for different human beings.
Main points:
⁃The knowledge that comes from God is true knowledge, but when knowledge about God is coming through a religion, it is censored. Different religions sent by God all have a different perspective about God because they haven’t been given complete knowledge. True knowledge about God will come from somebody who has seen God, who is able to talk with God. In that friendship, God will reveal the ultimate truth upon him.
⁃We see people suffering, living their life in complete misery. This begs the question: does God love such people? If he did, why are they suffering? According to the Bible and Quran, God is Absolute Power; if so, why doesn’t he help the young children dying of starvation around the world? God does not love everybody; he loves some people and some people were not meant to be loved by God.
⁃God’s love cannot be faked. It is impossible that God loves somebody and they’re not a good man. One who has God’s love cannot be bad; they cannot hate, hurt or harm anybody. They become a divine mirror in which God’s attributes are reflected. Those who God loves will be respected by others who love God.
⁃God created souls for his love and he created other souls who love bad things. If you are bad, it is because God wanted you to be bad. If you are good, it is because God wanted it to be so. As a human being, one cannot overrule God. This is all part of God’s plan.
⁃If you want to love God, you need to approach him through a spiritual master ordained by him. A spiritual master will take your image to the audience of God, and tell him ’This man wants to love you.’ If God does not want to love you, very straightforwardly he says, ‘No. I don’t like him.’ That is the end of the story. You are then rejected by God and cannot be a spiritual man. However if God wants to love you, he will ask, ‘If I grant him my love, who will train him?’ The master says, ‘I will.’ Then God says, ‘Let my name enter his heart.’ Then, God’s name enters the heart and starts to produce divine energy. This is the initial stage of spirituality, and proof that God wants to love you.
⁃In this moment in time, God is not bothered about any religion. He just wants to love those who want to love him. Before human beings find unification, we have to find unification with God. First we get unified with God; then we will unify the entire world.
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