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Asal Imam Mehdi Ki Pehchaan Aur Un Ka Faiz

This video is in Urdu, but an English translation will be available soon.

His Holiness Younus AlGohar explains how people have come to believe the fact that Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi is the Awaited Imam Mehdi.

Main points:

⁃ God sent divine signs, however the divine signs are not what make people accept that Lord Ra Riaz is the Awaited Imam Mehdi. His personality and power speak for themselves and convince people to believe He is the Awaited One.

⁃ If people believe someone to be the awaited Imam Mehdi who is not, they can be forgiven by God because citing the that they did not have the criteria to distinguish truth from falsehood.

⁃ However, if people reject the Awaited Imam Mehdi, then they have no excuse because God sent his signs. God’s signs on the Moon, Sun and Hajar al Aswad are undeniable.

⁃ Sects in Islam have made modifications in the religion. The way Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamat has made modifications in regards to sending salutations upon the Prophet Mohammad indicates that they lack spiritual knowledge. Since Barelvism influenced Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamat, followers of this belief system have been unable to accept saints of God in recent times. They only accept the saints they themselves have made, not the ones sent by God.

⁃ Shias think Imam Askari’s lost son is Imam Mehdi, but Imam Jafar Sadiq said that Imam Mehdi’s image would be on the Moon. Firstly, how could Imam Askari’s son be Imam Mehdi when his image is not on the Moon, and there is no way of knowing what he looked like? Secondly, if people really have met Imam Askari’s son and have been blessed by him, then has he given them the knowledge through which they can connect with God? If not, then he is not Imam Mehdi.

⁃ Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi is the one God appointed as Imam Mehdi. The proof is in the fact that Lord Ra Riaz has made it so easily for people to get connected with God through Him and His extraordinary spiritual sciences.

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Imam Mehdi,

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