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Amar Bil Maroof Wa Nahi Anil Munkar Ki Tashreeh (Part 2) | By Younus AlGohar

His Holiness Younus AlGohar explains how Dhikr-e-Qalb is the key to fulfilling a famous phrase in Islam: Amar Bil Maroof Wa Nahi Anil Munkar.

Part 1: h

Main points:
- Dhikr-e-Qalb (Invocation of the Heart) is only granted with God’s will. A Prophetic Tradition states that whoever says the Declaration of Faith in their last moments will enter Paradise; when you have Dhikr-e-Qalb, your spiritual heart repeats God’s name constantly even after you die. It is a rosary that doesn’t stop.

- When God allows his name to enter your heart, it means he wants to make you his friend. Dhikr-e-Qalb is minor sainthood. When God sees that a person is to be his friend, he ensures that he has Dhikr-e-Qalb; the constant repetition of God’s name in his heart ensures that he will never be heedless of God. Amar Bil Maroof means to push towards goodness; this is what a heart enlightened with God’s name does. Such a heart pulls one towards God. In a verse of the Quran, God says that heedlessness is directly linked to hearts being deprived of God’s Dhikr (invocation).

- All the celestial books relate to a particular name of God. Bring Ya Rehman in your heart and you’ll be given understanding of Moses’s religion and book revealed upon him. Invocation of the name Ya Quddus will result in the verses of the original Bible being revealed to your heart. Bring Ism-e-Allah in your heart and the entire Quran will be put into your heart. Similarly if you are granted the name Ya Muhammad you can distinguish between authentic and inauthentic Prophetic Traditions.

- Dhikr-e-Qalb is the key to making man completely obedient to God. When Noor (divine energy) produced from God’s name enlightens the entire body, the man submits to God in total. This is the rank of a Momin (true believer). A saint is one who has prepared his souls, and through the medium of Prophet Mohammad has reached Moqam-e-Mehmood. He witnesses God’s splendour after which a reflectory image of God comes onto his heart. Then God looks at his heart over 300 times a day and theophanies fall upon him. A single theophany of God burns seven major sins. Those in the company of such a saint will come under those theophanies and be inclined towards goodness automatically.

- Nahi Anil Munkir means to stop from bad things. The root of all evil in you is your Nafs (Carnal Self). By stopping its Naar (negative energy) intake and giving it Noor, you’ll stop it from badness. When the satan inside you has become obedient to God through this method, you won’t be inclined towards doing wrong.

Part 1

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