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Allah Is NOT Only For Islam

His Holiness Younus AlGohar responds to a Malaysian court's decision to outlaw the usage of the word 'Allah' by all non-Muslims. His Holiness declares this to be a form of Shirk and notes that the word 'Allah' predates Islam itself.

The transcript of the video can be found here:

An excerpt from 'The Religion of God' by His Divine Eminence Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi ( states,

'God communicates with the angels in Suryani which is spoken in the celestial spheres. Adam spoke the same language while he was in Paradise. When Adam and Eve descended on the Earth they resided in Arab region. This language, as their progeny spread in the world through Arabic, Persian, and Latin reached English, through literal evolution. People called God with different names in different languages. Adam resided in the Arab region, therefore, so many Suryani words are still present in the Arabic language. Adam was known as Adam Safi Allah (the word Safi Allah is from Suryani); Noah was called as Nouh Nabi Allah; Abraham was called as Ibrahim Khaleel Allah; Moses as Moosa Kaleem Allah; Jesus as Esa Rouh Allah, and Prophet Mohammad as Mohammad Rasool Allah. All these phrases were already written on the preserved scripturum in the Suryani language prior to the arrival of these Prophets in this world. This is why Prophet Mohammad that he had already been a Prophet before his arrival in the world. Some people perceive, the word 'Allah is a Muslim name of God. This is not true.'

The news item by BBC News:

Part 1

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