About Imam Mehdi

His Divine Eminence Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi

Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi

His Divine Eminence Ra Gohar Shahi is a Universal Spiritual Personality and the Awaited Saviour of Humanity. He is known to many as the Awaited Imam Mehdi, Promised Messiah, and Kalki Avatar.

His Divine Eminence Ra Gohar Shahi spent three years in the jungle of Laal Bagh in austerity and spiritual self-discipline, all for the sake of God’s love. After this, His Divine Eminence went on to begin His divine mission that of spreading the unifying message of divine love. 

His Divine Eminence Ra Gohar Shahi does not propagate any religion but advocates divine love, and renders practical teachings of bringing God and his love in the heart.

His Divine Eminence says, ‘God, himself, will guide you once you are connected with God.’ Many of the disciples of His Divine Eminence can see Gods name written on their hearts while they meditate. His Divine Eminence says, ‘God’s name in any language is worthy of respect and spiritual grace can be obtained from its practice.’ People of all religions love Him. His Divine Eminence has delivered lectures on spirituality in mosques, Hindu temples, Sikh temples, and churches in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Through His spiritual power, His Divine Eminence has healed numerous people who suffered from incurable ailments.

His Divine Eminence Ra Gohar Shahi’s images have become prominent on the surface of various celestial and terrestrial bodies such as the Moon, the Sun, the Holy Black Stone (Mecca, Saudi Arabia) and the Monster Star. These divine signs have been able to perform various miracles and attest to His Divine Eminence’s rank as the Awaited One.

We invite you to investigate His Divine Eminence through these divine signs and through His teachings. You may also try to recognise Him through His books.

In this section


Revolutionary Message for humankind

A Muslim says, 'I am superior to all.' A Jew declares, 'I am even better than the Muslim.' And a Christian says, 'I am greater than both the Muslim and the Jew, and the rest of the religions, because I am the nation of God's Son.' But His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi declares that superior and best of all is the one who possesses God's love in his heart, in spite of his indifference to any religion.


Face on The Moon -  Imam Jafir Sadiq

'The face of Imam Mehdi will appear on the Moon.'